cross-entropy is a measure from the field of information theory, generally calculating the difference between two probability distributions
Usually, cross-entropy is calculated using a log with e as the base, where there is only a multiple difference between a log with 2 as the base and a log with e as the base/unit 通常以e为底,至少tensorflow和pytorch都是
KL divergence(KL 散度) calculate the relative entropy between two probability distributions, while cross-entropy calculate the total entropy
Information quantifies the number of bits required to encode and transmit an event. (信息量化了编码和传递事件需要的位数)
Lower probability events(surprising) have more information, higher probability events(unsurprising) have less information.
information for an event can be calculated as follows
Entropy is the number of bits required to transmit a randomly selected event from a probability distribution. 熵用于描述分布,是传输一个随机从概率分布中选取的事件需要的位数
A skewed distribution(偏态分布) has a low enrtopy(less surprise), whereas a distribution where events have equal probabilty(事件等概率) has a larger entropy
- Low Probability Event(surprising): more information.
- Higher Probability Event (unsurprising): Less information.
- Skewed Probability Distribution (unsurprising): Low entropy.
- Balanced Probability Distribution (surprising): High entropy.
Entropy can be calculated by(if discrete states)
Cross-entropy calculates the number of bits required to represent or transmit an event from one distribution compared to another distribution.(when use another distribution)
… the cross entropy is the average number of bits needed to encode data coming from a source with distribution p when we use model q … ---- Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective
Cross-entropy between two probability distributions, such as Q from P, can be stated as
Cross-entropy can be calculated as
the result will be positive, meaning the bits required when use to represent event in
if the distribution is the same,(two probability distributions are identical), the result is the entropy
log is the base-2 lograithm(对数), meaning that the results are in bits.
if the base-e(natural logarithm) is used instead, the result will have the units called nats
Cross-Entropy Versus KL Divergence
Cross-Entropy measures the total number of bits needed to represent message with instead of , wheras KL-divergence measures the extra bits required.
KL Divergence can be calculated by
In other words, the KL divergence is the average number of extra bits needed to encode the data, due to the fact that we used distribution q to encode the data instead of the true distribution p.
----- Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective
KL-divergence is often referred to as the “relative entropy”
- Cross-Entropy: Average number of total bits to represent an event from Q instead of P.
- Relative Entropy (KL Divergence): Average number of extra bits to represent an event from Q instead of P.
Cross-entropy can be calculated by KL-divergence
the same to KL-divergence
KL-dibergence and Cross-entropy is not symmetrical
How to Calculate Cross-Entropy
most of framework have built-in cross-entropy function
Cross-entropy can be implemented by
def cross_entropy(p, q):
return -sum([p[i]*log2(q[i]) for i in range(len(p))])
calculated with KL-divergence
def kl_divergence(p, q):
return -sum([p[i] * log2(q[i]/p[i]) for i in range(len(p))])
def entropy(p):
return -sum([p[i]*log2(p[i]) for i in range(len(p))])
def cross_entropy(p, q):
return entropy(p) + kl_divergence(p, q)
Cross-Entropy as Loss Function
Cross-entropy is widely used as a loss function when optimizing classification models.
… using the cross-entropy error function instead of the sum-of-squares for a classification problem leads to faster training as well as improved generalization.
----- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 2006
- Random Variable: the example for which we require a predicted class label.(样例数据为随机变量)
- Events: Each class label that could be predicted.(是否属于某个类别为事件)
- Each example has a probability of 1.0 for the known class label, and 0.0 for other labels.(每个样例对应的类别概率为1,其他类别概率为0)
the model estimate the probability of an example belonging to each class label and then Cross-entropy can then be used to calculate the difference between the two probability distributions. (模型预测出样例类别的概率分布,然后交叉熵计算与目标概率分布的差别)
the target probability distribution for an input as the class label 0 or 1 interpreted as “impossible” and “certain” respectively. That means no surprise and they have no infotmation/zero entropy
for all data used when training, they have zero entropy, which means the value of Cross-entropy become the difference between two distribution(用交叉熵逼近目标分布就变成最小化交叉熵)
With C represents the class set, the cross-entropy can be calculated by
the base-e or natrual logarithm is used for classification tasks, this means units are in nats
The use of cross-entropy for classification often gives different specific names based on the number of classes
- Binary Cross-Entropy: Cross-entropy as a loss function for a binary classification task.
- Categorical Cross-Entropy: Cross-entropy as a loss function for a multi-class classification task.
mirroring the name of the classification task
- Binary Classification: Task of predicting one of two class labels for a given example.
- Multi-Class/Categorical Classification: Task of predicting one of more than two class labels for a given example.
Using one hot encoding, for an example that has a label for the first class, the probability distribution can be represented as if there are three classes.
one hot encoding 在这里是一种类别的编码方式
This probability distribution has no information as the outcome is certain. Therefore the entropy for this variable is zero.
Therefore, a cross-entropy of 0.0 when training a model indicates that the predicted class probabilities are identical to the probabilities in the training dataset, e.g. zero loss.
in this context, using KL-divergence is the same as cross-entropy
In practice, a cross-entropy loss of 0.0 often indicates that the model has overfit the training dataset, but that is another story.
Intuition for Cross-Entropy
When the predicted distribution become far away from target gradually, the cross-entropy between predicted distribution and target distribution increases as well.
What is a good cross-entropy score?
It depends
In general
- Cross-Entropy = 0.00 Perfect probabilities.(overfit may occur)
- Cross-Entropy < 0.02 Great probabilities.
- Cross-Entropy < 0.05 On the right track.
- Cross-Entropy < 0.20 Fine.
- Cross-Entropy > 0.30 Not great.
- Cross-Entropy > 1.00 Terrible.
- Cross-Entropy > 2.00 Something is broken.
Cross-Entropy versus Log Loss
they are not the same, but calculate the same quantity when used as loss functions for classification problems
Log loss
Logistic loss refers to the loss function commonly used to optimize a logistic regression model.
Log loss come from Maximum Likelihood Estimation(MLE)
That involves selecting a likelihood function that defines how likely a set of observations are given model parameters(给定模型参数时测值发生的可能性)
Because it is more common to minimize a function than to maximize it in practice, the log likelihood function is inverted by adding a negative sign to the front. This transforms it into a Negative Log Likelihood function or NLL for short.
log loss = negative log-likelihood, under a Bernoulli probability distribution (二分类时的negative log-likelihood)